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January Newsletter

Meadowpark Nursing Home staff presented turkeys and gifts to Chatham Hope Haven during our Advent Giving campaign. The haven extends thanks to that group (several staff pictured here with Joe Simpson, our project manager) and all those who brought gifts. Your generosity was greatly appreciated. Donations of food, clothing and toiletries have been plentiful. Several organizations even thought of us after their large Christmas parties – allowing the men to enjoy tasty treats. What the haven needs now is financial contributions, as well as volunteers. With the NEW YEAR here, please consider if you would like to donate your time or money, so that we are able to maintain the level of care we have implemented so far.


Overnight stays are going well thanks to those who donate their time. 7 pm - 7 am is not an easy shift and your time is essential to continuing our service to men in need. This haven is for men and we want to provide a safe and secure environment, so MEN are required to be on hand to supervise during the evening. Prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer and call to find out more about this opportunity. A police check is required, plus we now offer training on an individual basis (an interview, Q & A session, reading and a mentorship trial). Groups from churches or service clubs are also encouraged to consider slotting in one night/month to assist us. The Lions Club recently donated time towards our outreach Christmas meal. Call 519 351-4010 to find out more!

A new shorter shift 7-11 pm has become an option as well. Call to enquire about this opportunity.


We accept donations through PayPal, so share our story and invite others to give online, through our website at

We also have a GO Fund Me page – visit to donate.

Also, as always, you can contribute by sending a cheque to the office at 183 Wellington Street West, or come by in person. All donations over $20 are eligible for an income tax receipt.


Recently we received an email indicating support from city councillor, Michael Bondy. We are truly grateful for his encouragement and offer of assistance. Here is his message to us!

Dear Joe,

You have my total support. If you have any needs that you think the city can help you with, please contact me. I worked at the London Men's Mission many years ago as a student and fully realize the need for this in our community. You are doing God's work and my prayers are with you. If there is anything I can do to help, anything, please let me know and I will do my best to help.

Michael Bondy.


Chatham Hope Haven will provide a safe haven for men in Chatham-Kent.

We will provide free, non-judgmental support for men wanting to get off the street and begin leading their lives in a way that is meaningful and productive.


Relationships are being made with the Goodwill Career Centre and Chatham Mental Health Association – this is for the benefit of those who are relying on the haven for support and hope to improve their lives! Joe will tour the River City Vineyard in Sarnia as well. Please contact us if you would like to make a connection with us.


Monday through Saturday 10:30 - 6:30 at 183 Wellington Street West and for the overnight outreach 7pm - 7 am everynight.

On Mondays we have been providing free hot dogs – with many folks, both men and women participating in this outreach.

Joe is working hard to reach those who have been trained in the past, but not yet actively volunteering. Please call, he is waiting to hear from you! Also, he is planning to attend a United Way workshop in Windsor, on January 10. If you would like to assist the haven in this capacity, please call to indicate your interst in joining him at this information-gathering event.


Saturday, January 13 - Held at 183 Wellington Street West at 1pm. We try to keep these meetings to just an hour. The Board of Directors will meet prior to this.


It is great to welcome new folks to our team. A special welcome to: John, Kelly, David, Bill and Rob S who join as overnight supervisors. Also, greetings to Terry Johnson Sr., who will be our new volunteer handyman.


If you would like to communicate via email remember to go through Also, please like and share our page on Facebook – chathamhopehaven. Also, visit our website


January 13 - General Meeting – everyone is welcome! 1-2 pm

February - Family Day Open House

Some days one or two folks in need drop in, and other days it can be up to ten! If you know of someone who could use our assistance, please direct them our way.

We could also use volunteers for the front desk/reception/donation role.

Now open during our extended office hours Monday - Saturday, 10:30 am - 6:30 pm.

  • Open door and outreach.

  • Emergency help and support

  • Urgent need of basic clothes or food.

  • Assistance in seeking emergency housing.

  • Friendship.

  • On sight ministry and counsel.

  • Referral to community services

Needs of the Day Program Include the following items: phone cards, bus passes, Tim cards, i Tunes, healthy snacks (a big need), toiletries, hot dogs and buns, water, gently used clothes. General construction and electrical supplies are often required as well. Immediate needs are posted on our face book page, so keep a look out.

There is a homeless problem in Chatham-Kent – Help us help those in need!



183 Wellington Street West

P.O box 363

Chatham, ON N7M 1J7

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